SAFTzine 04 Water
A concentrate of Architecture, Art & Culture
Issue: 4
Dimension: 14,9 x 21,0 cm
Language: english
Binding: folded
Edition: 2018 1st
ISSN: 2568-0838
This issue of SAFT is dedicated to the element of water.
An iceberg, a lake and a cloud are different states of the chemical element of water. Sometimes different states exist in the same place, but one of them is enough to connect us to other dimensions, to the dimension of the environment we are part of and beyond. In order to investigate this phenomenon SAFT visits a table with cavities inside, a large park north of Paris, the city of Beijing and a fountain for horses in Mexico.
In this voyage SAFT joins forces with the Parisian landscape designer Catherine Mosbach, who presents projects, which, on various scales, from the botanical garden of Bordeaux to the Taichung Gateway Park, connect the macro world with the micro world. They are powerful encounters, where Cyanobacteria are able to start profound changes through seemingly minor alterations in the balance between the very small and the very large.