The exhibition Bäume und Häuser is hosted in the marvellous Burg Galerie im Volkspark of the prestigious Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle. The exhibition puts on display a series of speculative design exercises carried out by students of ALADlabs, which from different points of view, combine the topics of vegetation and the built environment.
Plants and build structures are intended experimentally here as two equal halves existing in mutual empathy, in some of the proposals this is brought to its most extreme form: an architecture, which exists in absence of the build.
The exhibition design, which has been conceived for this occasion, combines the different materials presented to us in a scenario where drawings, maquette and music as well as very instructive little videos can be appreciated inside the sublime spaces of the Burg Galerie im Volkspark, from 16 May to 16 June 2013.
The Vernissage will take place on Wednesday, 15 May 2013, 6 p.m. and each day there will be guided visits of the exhibition.